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قديم 10-01-2011, 06:44 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عضو مميز

التسجيل: Sep 2011
العضوية: 32
المشاركات: 1,795 [+]
بمعدل : 0.38 يوميا
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عبير العمر غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : منتدى تربية المواشي
It is the septemic highly fetal disease ,then sudden death and exudation of fluid or exudates from natural orifices of animal . this fluid is usually blood stained and then the animal fall down and the color of blood is tary blood ,un clotted blood .
• كل حالة موت مفاجئ لا نتعامل معها باليد حتى نتاكد من انها ليست جمرة خبيثة لان الانثراكس هو zoonosis وقد ينتقل للانسان او الشخص الذي يتعامل مع الجثث التي حدث بها موت مفاجئ

Anthrax : it is per acute septicemic disease characterized by sudden death , exudates of the tary un clotted blood , oozes or discharge from natural orifices , absent of rigor mortis and spleenomegally .
Etiology :
Bacillus anthrax . it has a virulent factor such as capsule and this capsule is resist .phagocytosis &also there is a lethal toxic which cause damage and oedema tissue &also oedematous toxin .
This bacteria is persist in the environment for decades &spor forming (m o ) characterized by present of capsule that is resist the phagocytosis .
Epidemiology :
It is world wide distribution but the prevalence varies with the soil and climate & some times it is restricted in particular area ther for they used Anthrax blet حزام .
The disease cause sudden death without illness and mostly the affected animal is within good condition . restricted affected the disease as in tropical and sub tropical area .
Worm climate and heavy rainful which assist in prolong persistence of the M.O in the soil & also it lead to spread the M.O from area to are .
In cold climate sporadic out break occur and mainly du to accidently du to ingestion of contaminated bone meal
يأخذون العظام من الحيوانات الميتة ( المصابة) ويعمل منها مسحوق العظام الذي يدخل في العلائق وبذلك تصاب الحيوانات التي تأكل من المسحوق المصاب بالجمرة الخبيثة وكذلك م ن استخدام مخلفات المذابح او مجار يالمذابح كسماد جيد للتربة وهذا يسبب انتشار الميكروب , وتساعد الحيوانات البرية في انتشار المرض مثل اخذ العاج من الفيل المصاب و غيرها . .

Infection cycle :
1- From introduction of infected animal
2- From introduction of contaminated material
3- The animal take infection from contaminated soil or pasture
The pasture or soil contaminated by gravid carcasses by opened mistakes also the infected animal is moved from place to place before death so it causes transmission of M.O and causes infection .
Source of infection :
1- Contaminated soil .
2- Plant grooming on contaminated soil
3- Excrete or excretion of infected animal ( blood , fluid )
4- Contaminated bone meal
5- Contaminated water from tannery effluent or from flooding or some times by streams and by wind also insect , bird and dogs .
6- Contaminated fertilizer
7- Injection of biological material
8- Contaminated wound rarely occur
Transmission :
Infection get inter to the body by :
1- Ingestion L.N lymph vesicles , blood .
2- Inhalation : inhalation of contaminated dust particles with spore causes sever pneumonia in human that is relatively fetal
3- Infection occur through the skin in animal and human ( infection is called : malignant carbuncle )
4- Injection .
5- Injury of mucosa membrane . .
6- It is transmited mechanically by biting insects

Risk factor :
1- Host risk factor (susceptibility of the animal ) the most susceptible animal is casttle then sheep then man then horse . the pigs and dogs and cat are relatively resistance to the disease .
Also there is the resistance within the species like sheep which have genetic resistance & this depended on breeds such as Algeria sheep is resistance to the anthrax also dwarf pigs .
2- Environmental risks :
Mostly out break occur after dramatic climate changes and heavy rainful and worm o f climate and heavy wet season
3- Dry scratching food : when material contaminatedwith anthrax bacilli it is expose to air spore forming which resistance to the external influence such as s salting , normal temp anf standared disinfectant . it is also viable spore in the soil storged mor than 100 years .
Economic importance of the disease :
1- Losses of animal ( death )
2- Cost of treatment .
3- Cost of control and eradication
4- Restriction of international trade
5- High processing is stopped.
6- Public health importance
Zoonotic potential in human :
1- Septicemic form .
2- Alimentary form شكل غذائي (يسبب اسهال شديد )
3- Pneumonic or inhalation form or called wool sorter dis.
4- Skin or cutaneus form
Pathogenesis :
The infection and the animal take the spore by ingestion vegetative form D.glutamic acid capsule via lymph . proliferation of bacteria in regional area or L .N blood stream septicemia ( fetal form) . and produce lethal toxin of bacteria it cause edema of tissue and damage of tissue by edematous toxin the death of animal is occur du to the shock and renal failure . it terminate by anoxia
Clinical signs :
In the cattle and sheep :
• The per acut form
Is most common form the animal usually found death without premonitory signs ,&the course of the disease is very short from (1 -2 ) hours . some times we seen :
1- Fever
2- Muscular tremor
3- Dyspnea
4- Congestion of mucous membrane of eye when we open the eye .
5- The animal collapsed and die .
6- Some times we see convulsion on the animal
7- After the death we see discharge of blood ,uncloted tary or dark in appearance from natural orifice
• Acute form :
The course of disease is longer and it extend to 48 hrs .
1- There is sever depression of animal and although some times present by short period
2- The body temperature is high .
3- Respiration also increase and also become rapid
4- Mucous membrane is congested and hemorrhagic .
5- Heart rate increase , and no food taken
6- Ruminal stasis
7- Aborted of pregnant animal .
8- Reduce milk production and some times the milk stained with blood or become yello in color and this make us suspected leptospirosis
9- Alimentary tract is show diarrhea and dysentery
10- Feces stain with blood and straining
11- Local oedema in the throat &sternum
• Horses also infected & the infection depend on the mode of infection it is always acute and when infection by ingestion there is septicemia with enteritis and colic
• Ehen the infection is by insects transmission there is hot edematous painful swelling localized subcutaneously and the swelling is found at the region of throat of animal , the neck and thorax with prepuce , also high fever , sever depression , dyspnea .
• The course of the disease is from 48 – 96 hrs.
Clinical diagnosis of the disease :
1- Blood or edematous fluid is taked by disposable syring under septic condition ,then we put drop of blood on slide and make blood smear and this smears stained by polychrome methyline blue ,ths technic is done with in few minute , and the slide checked under microscope
2- Serological tests : fluresent AB

Necropsy :
The carcases should not be opened at al but uncloted blood ,splenomegally ,consisting of spllen is black tary jum .
In horse and pigs there is enlargement of lymph node
Deferential diagnosis :
All disease cause sudden death .
Treatment :
1- Antibiotics
2- Oxytetracycline 10mg /kg B.W for 5 days or pencilline 2000 I.U /kg B.W for 5 days . and streptomycin 8-10 mg /kg day taken in two doses for five days .
هذه الكمية تعطى بجرعتين واذا اهطيناها كلها سوف يحدث الطرش بسبب تلف العصب السمعي quditory nerve
3- Antiserum
100-200 hl /day for 5 days
Controle of the disease :
1- Places of infected farms should be kept in quarantine
2- Distraction of infected animal ,discharge and also carcasses
3- Prohibition of milk production ( in farm ) during quarantine period which is usually two week
4- Vaccination of incontacted animal with infected animal and carcasses
5- With holding of meat and milk production to be used after vaccination
Disposal of carcasses
1- By burns
بواسطة الحرق و الدفن أي نحفر ونضع الجثة ونحرقها وبعد الحرق تدفن الجثة و هذه الطريقة تحد من انتشار لان هذه المادة تعمل على امتصاص الرطوبة quicklime المرض وبعد الحرق نضيف مادة اسمها الجفاف و تسبب موت الجرثومة
2- Prevent the movement of animal

Here we have
A- Vegitative killed by disinfectant
B- Spors : resist to standard disinfectant and the spors is form after exposure to the few hourse of air and here the spore it need strong disinfectant .e.g of strong disinfectant is :
5% lysole contact with spors
Sodium hydroxide used for two days
• The contaminated clothes is soaked in 10% formal dehydrate
• Skin and wool must be disinfectant by using of gamai radiation which it used isotope cobal

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المنتديات العامة @ المنتدى الزراعي العام @ منتدى الاستفسارات والمشاكل الزراعية والحالات الزراعية النادرة والغريبة @ منتدى البذور والشتلات @ منتدى الاسمدة وتحسين التربة والمبيدات الزراعية @ المنتديات الزراعية @ منتدى زراعة النخيل @ منتدى زراعة الخضروات @ منتدى زراعة الفواكه @ منتديات الثروة الحيوانية والدواجن والاسماك @ منتدى تربية المواشي @ منتدى تربية الدواجن ( الطيور ) @ منتدى تربية الأرانب @ منتدى تربية الأسماك والروبيان @ منتدى الطب البيطري @ تربية النحل @ منتدى شبكات الري الحديثة @ منتدى نباتات الزينه وتنسيق الحدائق @ منتديات تكنولوجيا الالبان والصناعات الغذائية @ منتدى تكنولوجيا صناعة الالبان @ منتدى الصناعات الغذائية @ منتدى الصحة والغذاء @ منتدى الكتب الزراعية @ منتدي الترحيب والتهاني والتعازي @ امراض النبات والمبيدات @ منتدى التبادل الاعلاني والتجاري الزراعي والحيواني @ الاعلان بالموقع @

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